Last Minute Preparation Tips for NEET-UG Exam
After completing 12th standard, students who want to pursue their career in medicine must take the NEET-UG entrance examination. Around 15 lakh aspirants appeared for the exam last year which itself is a huge number for a total of about 78,000 thousand medical seats in India. Hence, it is highly competitive to get admission into the MBBS programme. As the NEET-UG exam is approaching on May 7 this year, students should polish their skills and stick to their preparation strategy. Strictly following the preparation tips and putting consistent efforts will keep you ahead of the competition.
Here’s are some last-minute reliable preparation tips for the NEET-UG Exam.
Practice mock paper with your timers on: This will help you in analyzing the exam pattern, evaluating your level of understanding of the topic, and of course, developing time management skills.
Solve previous year question papers: Solve previous year papers of at least last 10 years. This will give you an idea about the exam pattern, type of questions asked from the chapter and topic. It will boost your confidence.
Don’t study from multiple resources at the last moment: Before exams, always prefer to study from NCERT books and notes. This will help you with quick revision and covering the entire syllabus with focusing more on the important topics for NEET-UG exam.
Refrain from studying new chapters and concepts: The NEET-UG 2023 syllabus is vast, and it is not possible to grasp everything in one go. In case you have missed any difficult concept, refrain from starting anything in the last days because studying any topic from the beginning and then making notes is time taking which in turn increases pressure and workload. Instead, it is advised to practice the topics you have already learned and have a tight grasp over it.
Put consistent efforts: As the syllabus is quite extensive and the level of complexity is high, you must put in consistent effort to practice and revise every topic properly.
Practice, Practice and Practice: Practice as much as questions you can. Practise formulae, flowcharts, schematic diagrams, tables, graphs, remember the conversions and values of the variables, and other crucial topics. It plays a critical role in scoring well in the exams. Write and learn all the shortcut approaches which are easy to memorize the concept and recall during exam.
Prioritize Chapters: Prioritize the maximum weightage and important topics during the last period of your preparation.
Important Units of Physics for NEET-UG:
- Mechanics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Waves
- Magnetism
- Modern Physics
- Electricity
- Optics
Important Units of Chemistry for NEET-UG:
- Atomic structure
- Equilibrium
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Coordination Compounds
- Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
- s, p, d, and f -block Elements
- Hydrocarbons
Important Units of Biology for NEET-UG:
- Evolution
- Biotechnology
- Structural organisation in animals
- Animal kingdom
- Biomolecules
- Plant physiology
- Cell & Cell Cycle
- Genetics
- Ecology
- Diversity of Living Organisms
- Human Physiology
- Human Health and Diseases
- Human Reproduction
Maintain your physical and mental health and take proper sleep: Maintaining good health is equally important as effective preparation. It is advised to take some time to meditate and exercise and keep yourself healthy. Remain calm and don’t overexert yourself. Negligence in terms of health will keep all your efforts at stake.
Be confident: Don’t panic in the last days of your preparation. Revise thoroughly what you have prepared so far and avoid comparing yourself with your fellows. Have faith in yourself and stick to your preparation, just avoid procrastination. Identify your pain areas, clear your doubts and practice more.
Prepare in advance: Read all the instructions provided on the admit card and strictly adhere to it. Avoid carrying the barred items and get dressed as per the NEET-UG exam dress code. Arrange all your required documents and valid ID proof for the exam day prior.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Keep in mind that if you fall sick all your efforts will go in vain. Hence, take proper sleep, eat healthy food, and do exercises to keep yourself healthy.
Do’s and Don’ts on the Exam Day
- Check your exam centre location prior to your exam or visit once to avoid being late on your exam day.
- Go through the instructions regarding exam day, dress code, barred items, required documents and photographs and more.
- Be very careful while bubbling in the OMR answer sheet.
- Start your exam with the subject you are more confident in and manage your time effectively.
- Don’t waste your time in thinking over a question much and do the next.
- Don’t rely on guesswork. There is a negative marking in the NEET-UG exam and hence, guesswork can reduce your overall score.
- Strictily adhere to the dresscode guidelines issues by NEET authority.
- Concentrate on your last-minute revision.
- Don’t let yourself feel dehydrated.
- Remain focused and attentive.
- Read all the instructions carefully before starting the exam to avoid any mistake.
- Double check your OMR sheet before submitting.
- Do not carry any barred/prohibited items.
- Stay positive and determined.
List of Barred Items
- Any type of study material, and stationery items such as, papers, pens, writing pads, geometry boxes, logbook, calculator, etc.
- Any communication devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, earphones, microphones, health band, smart watches, etc.
- Accessories like watch, wallet, bracelets, googles, cap, etc.
- Any ornaments and metallic items
- Any food item and beverage
- Any kind of cheating material
Things to carry at the Examination Day
- You must carry the following things to the Exam Centre:
- NEET-UG admit card with the passport size photograph affixed on it
- One passport size photograph to be affixed on the attendance sheet
- Valid Identity proof and PwBD certificate, if required
- Proforma downloaded with the admit card and one post card size photograph (4” * 6”) with white background must be affixed on the proforma and hand over to the invigilator at the exam centre.
Dress Code
You must follow the instructions regarding the dress code. If you don’t follow dress code, it will create chaos during frisking and you will be not allowed to sit in the exam. You must keep the following things in mind:
- Long sleeves clothes are not allowed to wear.
- Clothes with large buttons are not allowed.
- Accessories like studs, earrings, rings, etc. are not allowed.
- If any candidate is coming in the cultural customary dress for examination at any exam centre, you must report at least an hour before the reporting time.
- Shoes are not permitted. Slippers, sandals, and low heel footwear are allowed.
Your consistent efforts and determination will pay off, just have faith in yourself.
Click here to know more about NEET-UG Entrance Examination.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1. What is the exam date of NEET UG 2023?
Ans. The NEET-UG entrance exam will be held on 7th May, 2023.
Q2. What is the pass mark for NEET?
Ans. The cut off marks for NEET-UG as per 2022 is 117 out of 720. But these cut-off marks are not to get admission to variety of medical undergraduate courses.
Q3. Which is the conducting body for NEET-UG?
Ans. The NEET-UG entrance examination is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA).
Q4. Which dresses are not allowed for NEET?
Ans. You must keep the following things in mind:
- Long sleeves clothes are not allowed to wear.
- Clothes with large buttons are not allowed.
- Accessories like studs, earrings, rings, etc. are not allowed.
- If any candidate is coming in the cultural customary dress for examination at any exam centre, you must report at least an hour before the reporting time.
- Shoes are not permitted. Slippers, sandals, and low heel footwear are allowed.
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