NMC NExT Exam Update – Chapter 2 (Broad Outline)

NMC NExT Exam Update – Chapter 2 (Broad Outline)

NMC NExT Exam Update – Chapter 2 (Broad Outline)

July 1, 2023

The Chapter 2 of the NMC Update describes the broad outline of the National Exit Exam, including general features of steps 1 and 2, NExT scores, nature of scores, minimum passing score, etc.

General Features of the NExT Exam

The NExT Exam shall comprise two separate exams referred to as “Steps”.

Step 1: Theoretical Examination

Step 2: Practical/Clinical and Viva Voce Examination


NExT Step 1

1.NExT Step 1 shall be a theoretical and Computer-based/Online examination.

2. It shall comprise one or more types of multiple-choice questions.

3. This shall be a Centralized Common All India Examination that will be held by a body designated by the commission as the conducting authority.

4. The examination shall include six papers covering topics from both Part 1 and 2 of the III MBBS/Final MBBS programme:

  • Medicine and allied disciplines
  • Surgery and allied disciplines
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Ophthalmology

(Applied aspects of all subjects covered under I MBBS and II MBBS and Applied aspects of all subjects covered under III MBBS/Final MBBS Part l)

5. Students who have completed their III MBBS/Final MBBS course from a recognized medical college shall be eligible to appear for the examination.

6. NExT Step 1 Examination shall be held twice a year in the months of May and November tentatively.

7. There shall be no restriction on the number of attempts to participate in NExT Step 1 provided that the candidate has completed both the NExT Step 1 and NExT Step 2 exams within ten years of enrolling in the MBBS Course.

8. There is no cap on the number of times for attempting the NExT Step 1 Regular Examination to improve your score but you can only go for the improvement after completing your NExT Step 2.

9. The III MBBS/Final MBBS Part 1 and III MBBS/Final MBBS Part II Practical/clinical examinations will continue to be held conventionally unless otherwise stated by the Commission and the NExT Step 1 will replace the traditional university/institutional Theory Examinations of the III MBBS/Final MBBS Part II.


NExT Step 2

1. The NExT Step 2 shall be a Practical/Clinical and viva voce examination comprising seven clinical subjects/disciplines:

  • Medicine and allied disciplines
  • Surgery and allied disciplines
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics and PMR (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)

2. The exam shall be objectively structured, clinical case-based, and use simulated cases and patients to evaluate practical and clinical skills as well as clinical decision-making and communication abilities expected of an Indian medical graduate.

3. The exam must be taken in person or live, and it must be administered by the relevant state health universities or institutions in accordance with the norms and directives given by the Commission. The Commission will choose the university or institution that is permitted to conduct NExT Step 2 for the relevant colleges where there are no state health universities.

4. The Regular NExT Step 2 Exam shall be held twice a year.

5. A NExT Step 2 Supplementary Examination is only open to candidates who have failed in one or more (up to three) of the seven subjects and are required to repeat specific subjects. It will be held twice a year. If a candidate fails in more than three subjects, then they will have to appear in supplementary exams of all the seven subjects.

7. As long as the candidate has completed both the NExT Step 1 and NExT Step 2 Examinations within ten years of enrolling in the MBBS programme, there is no restriction on the number of attempts to participate in NExT Step 2.

NExT Scores

1. Nature of Scoring

  1. The marks in NExT Step 1 must be calculated as a whole number, which will serve as the Raw Scores with the proper decimals. Also, equivalent Percentages (marks out of a maximum of 100) with the proper decimals may then be calculated.
  2. The outcomes of the NExT 2 exams will only be reported as Pass/Fail depending on the acquisition of the relevant competence that is being evaluated.

2. Minimum scores for passing

  1. The minimum score to pass shall be 50% of the total or half of the maximum possible Raw for NExT Step 1.
  2. To pass the NExT Step 1 exam, you must receive a minimum of 50% (50 out of 100) in each of the six papers or half of the maximum possible Raw Scores.
  3. The requirements for passing NExT Step 2 include a successful demonstration of having acquired the competencies that are evaluated, with a pass/fail result being given.

3. Calculation of NExT Step 1 scores for determining merit for the purpose of admission to Postgraduate courses in broad specialties

  1. The sum of the raw scores earned in each paper or topic in a single NExT 1 exam will be used to calculate the Total Marks for determining the merit, particularly for admission to broad specialization Postgraduate Courses.
  2. The candidate must follow the generation of a rank application process as stipulated by the Commission from time to time in order to determine rank for admission into Postgraduate courses in broad specializations in a given academic year. Only individuals who have submitted an application for rank generation will be eligible for admission for that cycle of the academic year.
  3. The NExT Step results will be valid for five years in order to determine merit, notably for admission to broad-specialty postgraduate courses. If a candidate has appeared in the NExT exam cycle then the score of the latest given NExT step 1 exam will be considered.
  4. Tie-breaker rule for rank generation:
    • Normalized sum of raw scores obtained in each paper in NExT step 1 although the method of normalization will be notified later.
    • Candidate with the lower attempts in NExT step 1 will be placed higher in the merit list.
    • Candidates will be given higher rank based on the higher marks in the following order of preference:
      1. Medicine and allied disciplines
      2. Surgery and allied disciplines
      3. Obstetrics and Gynecology
      4. Pediatrics
      5. Otorhinolaryngology
      6. Ophthalmology

4. Utility of NExT Scores

  1. An MBBS student from a college recognized by the Commission shall be eligible for compulsory internship only if they pass in each of the six theory papers of NExT Part 1 and also pass in III MBBS/Final MBBS (Part 2) Practical/Clinical Examination.
  2. A medical student who has completed their undergraduate studies abroad at an institution recognized by the Commission and who has met the necessary requirements outlined in the Commission’s Foreign Medical Graduate Regulations is eligible to participate in the mandatory rotating internship programme only if they pass in all six NExT Step 1 Theory Papers.
  3. A medical graduate who received their training in India or outside of India will be entitled to register in the Indian Medical Register and State Medical Register and obtain a license to practice modern medicine in India, only if, they have completed the internship for the appropriate length of time and have successfully passed the NExT Step 2 (Practical / Clinical) Examination. You must fulfill all the requirements as per the Registration of Medical Practitioners and Licence to practice Medicine Regulations, of NMC. Also, all the other requirements are considered appropriate by the Commission, Concerned University/Institution and duly applicable at that time.
  4. For admission to PG medical courses in broad specialty subjects, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
    • Candidates must meet the conditions outlined for NExT Part 1 and 2, making them eligible for a license to practice modern medicine in India.
    • Must engage in common counselling by a designated authority granted by the Central Government or Commission.
  5. The NExT Step I Scores may be used by the Government of India, the State Governments, any organization of the Government of India, the State Governments, or any autonomous or private body/institution for the purpose of employment, provided that the necessary authorization has been sought and authorized by the National Medical Commission or other appropriate authorities as determined to be appropriate.

Click Here to Read NMC NExT Exam Update – Chapter 1 (Preliminary)

Click Here to Read NMC NExT Exam Update – Chapter 3 (General Information)

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