Learn Microbiology online

Basic Tips To Make Microbiology Easier In Your 2nd Year

Basic Tips To Make Microbiology Easier In Your 2nd Year

October 12, 2021

Microbiology is incredibly challenging, however, studying it from an online platform can pave way for a seamless flow of information and a better learning experience. Unlike medical microbiology courses earlier, new microbiology courses on online platforms such as DigiNerve have several attractive features, such as high-quality video lectures by India’s top faculty, MCQs, notes, and much more. This makes learning more fun, productive, and engaging. With new microbiology books that are more informative, appealing, and are packed with new information, now is the best time to assess your knowledge with a medical microbiology course online. To avoid any kind of second-year slump, here are the best tips to make microbiology easier:

  1. Find the best faculty – Your microbiology course is as good as the professor who teaches it. Luckily, Microbiology for UnderGrads on DigiNerve is taught by none other than renowned Dr. Apurba S Sastry. Dr. Sastry is affiliated with JIPMER and has published 9 successful books, including the best-selling ‘Essentials of Medical Microbiology’, and around 47 specialized medical articles in acclaimed journals. With faculty like this, your education goes beyond simply learning from microbiology books to help you get the tools you need to ace your exams.
  2. Get the best books – After you’ve attended all your classes and the time for your medical microbiology exam rolls around, you would want a lot of revision material. The best method for this is through microbiology books that are filled with MCQs, important notes, and easy-to-understand diagrams. Apart from exam preparation books, find clinical and systemic Microbiology material on DigiNerve where you get CBME-based content.
  3. Maintain good notes – Microbiology’s scope is vast. To not forget information, during all of your lectures, maintain legible and informative notes so that you can use them later on. While writing with your hand is linked to boosting memory, you can also find trusted notes by India’s top faculty on DigiNerve.
  4. Attempt past papers – It is essential in microbiology to solve previous year papers. This can act as a good pre-exam test while also teaching you exam patterns and the specific method of questioning. By attempting as many questions as you can, you can get familiar with the exam style and this can help you ace your microbiology’s scope.
  5. Find a teaching methodology that works for you – Not every microbiology course works for everyone as a standard. If you find that you need more engaging content through video-based learning, constant assessment, and other such tools to boost your memory, try Microbiology for UnderGrads. Get up to 150 hours of video lectures on 128 topics, 110 lecture notes with 4000 practice assessment questions, and have all the material needed to understand essential microbiology.

Now that you know the best and most basic tips to help you ace your second year of microbiology, click here to view DigiNerve’s Microbiology for UnderGraduate course.

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