new guidelines and the academic calendar for MBBS 2022-2023

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NMC issues New Guidelines and Academic Calendar for 2022-2023 MBBS Batch

NMC issues New Guidelines and Academic Calendar for 2022-2023 MBBS Batch

October 14, 2022

The National Medical Commission (Undergraduate Medical Education Board) has issued new guidelines and the academic calendar for MBBS 2022-2023 batch on 12th Oct 2022.

As per the new NMC guidelines, the classes for the first-year MBBS batch will start on 15th Nov 2022.

Academic Calendar for the 2022-2023 MBBS Batch

According to the new NMC guidelines, there is a change in the academic calendar of MBBS 2022-2023. However, the duration of the MBBS course is the same i.e., 5.5 years including a one-year rotational internship.

Professional Year Time Frame Subjects Months(Teaching + Exam + Results)
1st 15th Nov’22 to 15th Dec’23 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry 13 months
2nd 16th Dec’23 to 15th Jan’25 Pathology, Microbiology, and Pharmacology 13 months
3rd (III-part-1) 16th Jan’25 to 30th Nov’25 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Community Medicine/PSM 10.5 months
4th (III-part-2) Dec’25 to May’27 General Surgery, General Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, ENT,
17.5 months
Internship 1st Jun’27 to 31st May’28 As per the CRMI 2021 Regulations 12 months
PG 1st Jul ‘28

For the academic year 2022-2023, the one-year compulsory rotational internship will start from the 1st June 2027 and end on 31st May 2028, as per the CRMI 2021 regulations.

The following guidelines have been issued by the NMC for the 2022-23 MBBS batch:

  • The MBBS batch will commence on 15th Nov 2022.
  • The college vacations and examination schedules may be notified as per the affiliated universities of the respective colleges.

Other board guidelines are as follows:

  1. Regarding Electives – 2 blocks of 15 days each are to be adjusted by the colleges for
    • Pre/para-clinical branches
    • Clinical branches
  2. In the 2022-2023 academic batch, the supplementary exams will be conducted with a gap of 1 month from the regular exams and the results will be declared within 15 days.
  3. There shall be no supplementary MBBS batches.
  4. The remaining rules and regulations shall remain the same as per the GMER (Graduate Medical Education Regulations) 1997. You can visit the site for GMER 1997 details:
  5. The Yoga and Family Adoption Program through village outreach shall continue for the 2021-2022 MBBS Batch.

Along with the changes in the curriculum and the guidelines mentioned above, a few more notifications have been issued by the NMC from the 2022 batch:

  • The NMC has created an Anti-Ragging Committee and Dr. Aruna V. Vanikar, President, UGMEB has been appointed as the chairperson of the committee.
  • In the NMC notification stated on 4 Oct 2022, the implementation of HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) is mandated in all medical colleges.
  • The NEET UG counselling link is active from 11th Oct 2022 on the MCC official website:


Click here to read about the NMC NExT Exam update 2023 including the guidelines, complete structure, exam dates and more.

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